Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Other Copacabana

Maybe once we leave Copacabana tomorrow, the Barry Manilow song will finally leave my brain. We paid homage to the Virgin of Copacabana at the cathedral yesterday, braving a tunnel with soot-darkened walls in the Chapel of Candles to at last reach the gold and silver image of the Virgin Mary, which cannot be moved lest it provoke catastrophic flooding from Lake Titicaca. It would have been quite the spiritual experience had I not kept thinking her name was Lola, she was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair ... aaaaagh!
Today we made another pilgrimage to Isla del Sol, about an hour and a half off Copacabana. We were only the latest in a centuries-long line of pilgrims to the island believed by the Inca and pre-Inca cultures to be the birthplace of civilization. Apparently even during the Inca days the pilgrims flocked here to see the rocks shaped like a puma and the face of the god Wiracocha. Only they were not allowed to get as close as we did and pose for photos; they had to stand back outside the sacred circle and peer at the rock formations from a distance. This seems unfair. Photos to come once we reach La Paz tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I can't get Copacabana out of my head!!!

It sounds awesome!!!